Profile ──

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"I hope to provide a better life and experiences to others through what I have."

To awaken the reason that penetrates the essence of phenomena and the emotion that moves people's hearts, I embrace various experiences and perspectives. Among these, I enjoy music, exercise, and reading, and am currently engaged in iOS development.

한국어 | 日本語

Projects ──

<aside> 💬 I am studying development as a means to solve problems and convey better experiences.



Posts ──

<aside> 💬 I document what I have experienced or felt in the process of solving problems.



Computer Science

Problem Solving

Git & GitHub

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Books ──

<aside> 💬 Through reading, I learn about the wisdom and insights that span the author's life.



Writing ──

<aside> 💬 Through writing, we organize our thoughts and confront ourselves.

